Patah Seribu

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Women, can't live with them, Can't live without them
Men would agree on that
That was before the millennium time
Before women create their own ideology about they want a perfect men in their life
They think they're too perfect that they doesn't want any imperfect men
Seriously how great women can be?
Just because they have eggs inside her body that doesn't mean they're perfect?
Just because they can handle through pregnancy that doesn't mean they're perfect?
Just because they can handle giving birth that doesn't mean they're perfect?
So, which part of the women is perfect?
Guess what?
Women is imperfect like men
Why? Because they also human like men
So, for all women, don't even think that you're perfect because you are imperfect like men
So don't bother thinking that you are perfect.
Remember, women were created on men's rib
If you don't understand the meaning of it, that's mean you are not a woman but a slut

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